Our Global Supplier Standard

All our suppliers must be compliant with the TENA Global Supplier Standard, which includes requirements related to quality, product safety and the environment. It also contains our Supplier Code of Conduct, covering areas such as human rights and labour conditions. Suppliers are also required to conduct a self-evaluation through the Sedex database before we perform an audit, based on risk assessment, to verify compliance.

“Our Global Supplier Standard states the minimum requirements to become a supplier to TENA.”

Maria Mollberg, , Director of Sustainable Sourcing and Global Sourcing

Raising the game

In the video above, Maria Mollberg, Director of Sustainable Sourcing, gives a rundown on the history of our Global Supplier Standard and requirements for any potential supplier that aspires to partner with TENA. 
Here are a few key takeaways: 
  • Our Global Supplier Standard is a key document including all the minimum requirements that any potential suppliers must follow in order to work with us at TENA. It covers areas including sustainability, quality, product safety and the environment. 
  • Our Global Supplier Standard also contains our Supplier Code of Conduct which is based on international guidelines, such as the UN Global Compact and ILO core conventions, and covers requirements that TENA suppliers must satisfy within the areas of human rights, health and safety, employee relations, and ethical business practices. 
  • There are three steps any potential supplier must pass in order to become a TENA supplier: 
    • Sign and be compliant with Global Supplier Standard. 
    • Do a self-assessment via SEDEX that shows how they handle human rights, labour conditions, and environmental issues. 
    • TENA conducts a risk assessment of the potential supplier, and performs an ethical audit (SMETA audit format), covering areas such as labor standards, health and safety, and ethical business practices. Suppliers must follow local legislation related to e.g. working hours, payment, and age of employees.  
  • Our Standard is always evolving, as we continually adapt to social, ethical and environmental demands, both from society and from our customers and consumers.  
  • We are continuously updating our Supplier Standard to ensure that it covers the evolving demands related to human rights and the environment, e.g. usage of plastics in our products and packaging.